Saturday 12 November 2011

Tips dr Rahsia Hidup Luar Biasa -Dr Azizan Osman

17 tips dr Seminar Rahsia Hidup Luar Biasa by Dr Azizan (dr e-mel thn lepas..). Most of the steps memang kita dah tau ,cuma kita tak praktikan jer..dan yang paling ketara adalah kerana kita ni banyak sangat ALASAN!! buang ALASAN jauh2! DU-IT NOW!!!

1. Buat Keputusan – our mind is like a magnet, apa yg kita fikirkan, itu yg akan dtg, so we need to have positive decision. Eg. Saya kaya dan Berjaya
 2. 100% commitment – once you have decide, you must take action. Take the 1st step.
3. Focus – when you start doing it, make sure you do it until completed.
4. Maximakan potensi diri – smua org dilahirkan kaya dengan potensi. Kita di lahirkan Berjaya. So use up your potential to the fullest
5. Be with friends that are positive thinker
6. Keep learning on how to improve self
7. Mentor (belajar dari mentor yg Berjaya)
8. Ilmu / Skills (read and continue upgrading your knowledge)
9. System – find a system that works and ikut the system
10. Conquer your fear – for things to change....I must change first. Penghalang utama kejayaan seseorg adalah diri dia sendiri
Never ever give up – lebih baik cuba & kalah drp tak cuba langsung and kalah
12. Visualize what you want and write it down
13. Keluarkan diri daripada pulau ALASAN - yakin pd diri sendiri, buka minda utk jd luar biasa, jgn complain, It's now or never- buat sekarang!!!
15. Always think big
16. Hidup ini is your movie – are you pelakon tambahan, pak pacak or lead actor? This is your decision to make.
17. Tukar kesedihan kepada tenaga

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